Shagrath — 13.01.2014 23:59:29

Hi! my nick name is GOE | Shagrath.

Today I was banned just because I called a guy "silly" ("parvo" in portuguese) the guy is also portuguse and I think he just dont like me and reported me for foul language... and this really happens!!

earlier I reported one other guy for multihack and he he continued playing for long time...
this is so Unfair.. and I am here to ask to some one unban me, Please...

Dem File … t2.dem.bz2

at 5th round I called him "parvo" and he reported me.
at 10th round I got banned.

he is AWP | K!Ll3r*M@cH!n3

Ban Id: 131481!cs_banlist?bid=131481

Please, I hope someone can fix this mess.

Thank You!

Slip — 14.01.2014 00:00:46

вот я даже растерялся что тут ответить...

Px — 14.01.2014 00:32:05

А что отвечать, логи читай, баны раздавай

Slip — 14.01.2014 11:49:50

Px написал:

А что отвечать

на момент написания моего поста у него было только "Hi!", вот я и растерялся :laughing:

Shagrath — 14.01.2014 20:11:10

Can someone answer in English please?

anyone can see for on dem file whate happen and no one can do Nothing??
come one.. please see the game... I did NOT done nothing wrong

[RC] KOTbKA — 15.01.2014 12:59:41

О боже , Киллер, Машина неверных репортов вернулся ! :laughing: